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June 1, 2016
Town of Princeton, Mass.        PLANNING BOARD  
Minutes  -- Regular Meeting – June 1, 2016

7:30 PM   Chairman Tom Daly opened the meeting with John Mirick, Rud Mason, Richard Bisk and Tom Sullivan plus alternate member Ann Neuburg. Don Peterson was in attendance for the Fieldstone Farm seven-acre Parcel C at the corner of Hubbardston Road and Calamint Hill. He wants to buy it and create two or three ANR lots.
With John Mirick and Tom Sullivan on the Princeton Land Trust, they both recused from the Planning Board.
The board had a lengthy discussion about the requirements of the Open Space Residential Design (OSRD) which kicks in if five or more ANR building lots are subdivided within a two-year period. Since the farm south of Hubbardston Road is currently a single parcel, this provision would hold for any such lots anywhere on that parcel, but would be adjusted once a restriction is in place (likely up to a year away) to make a lot non-buildable. The APR from the state can take over a year to be approved and applied. If Don wanted to divide three lots right away, the two other buildable parcels on the property (the farm land and Parcel D) would cause the 5-lot threshold to kick in.
The group agreed to a simpler alternative. If Audubon is the interim landowner after the June R.E. closing, then Audubon could divide out one or two lots from Parcel C and sell directly to Don. A future third lot could get a building permit after the CRs and APR are in place and actual landowners, including the town and DCR, have deeds in hand.
It was noted that the Rural Overlay zone requires site plan review for any construction activity within 300’ of the road frontage on this section of Hubbardston Road.

8:05 PM  After discussing options, John M. moved and Rud M. 2nd  for re-election of the current slate of officers: with Tom D. as chair, John M. as vice-chair and Rud M. as clerk. Voted all in favor.

8:10 PM  Board voted all in favor to approve minutes from May 4. Group decided to set next meeting according to need, on either June 15 or 22, as Charlie Wyman may have ANR plans ready to sign for Fieldstone Farm. Also set July 13 and Aug. 10 pending any pressing issues.
        Ann N. offered to attend CMRPC Annual Meeting later in June. Marie will check on the last extension approved for Clayton Mosher at Isaac’s Way, as he is requesting another extension

8:15 PM  Board voted all in favor to adjourn.  

Respectfully Submitted:   Marie Auger, Admin. Assistant

Referenced Documents:  Maps of sections of Fieldstone Farm

Marie Auger
Administrative Assistant
Planning Department